Sunday, February 20, 2022

Happiness for Beginners | Katherine Center

[1] "...happy people are more likely to register joy than unhappy people. So if you take two people who have experienced a day of, say, fifty percent good things and fifty percent bad things, an unhappy person would remember more of the bad.'s not just an attitude. It's genuinely connected to memory.  It's like, for unhappy people, if you ask them at the end of the day what they remember, it's the bad stuff.  But they aren't ignoring the good memories, they just didn't retain them." (123-124)

[2] "'People can get hooked up on longing, though. They wind up liking the wanting more than the having.' 
'Exactly!'  I said.  Is that fixable?
    Windy thought for a moment before answering.  'Well,' she said. 'there's a lot more neurological plasticity in the brain than we used to believe.  In theory, anything's possible.  But that's in theory.  The most important thing to remember is that getting what you want doesn't make you happy.'
'It doesn't?'  I asked.
'Not for long.  Happiness is more about appreciating than acquisition.'" (164)

[3] "I don't know how he could press so much longing and so much determination into one stolen moment, but there, on our knees, in the rain, the two of us possibly the dirtiest people to kiss since caveman times, he did.  It was like nobody else even existed.  I couldn't have pulled away if I'd wanted to.  By the way, I didn't want to." (217)

[4] "As I walked behind her, watching her calf muscles flex and release, I decided they were just exactly the perfect human shape for calves--and for legs in general, really." (123)

[5] "Every story has a beginning and an end.  Looking back, I could have begun it anywhere, or lingered on anything.  ..I could have lingered on sorrows.  I could have painted the portrait of a crumbling marriage, or a family drowned by grief. It's all there.
    But that's not the story I want to tell.  Those aren't the moments in my life I want to dwell on.  They happened. They mattered.  They left their marks.  But the things we remember are what we hold on to, and what we hold on to becomes the story of our lives.  We only get one story.  And I am determined to make mine a good one." (308)

3.5/5 I loved this book. I cringed a little at the beginning, but as the characters were developed I fell in love with all of them. It was just a fun, chick-flick feel. I am pretty excited for the Netflix version later this year! 

Take note, there is some language, a few F bombs, and some sexually suggestive material. 

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