✨”What comes through in this volume, above and beyond the wealth of down-to-earth ideas and suggestions, is a sense of the real meaning of birthdays: how they are milestones on a journey in which each of us, with our precious and different gifts, increasingly gets to grips with life and hopefully- unfolds our full potential.” (vii)
✨”It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts.” Adlai Stevenson (viii)
✨”You have no birthday because you have always lived; you were never born and never will you die. You are not the child of the people you call mother and father, but their fellow-adventurer on a bright journey to understand the things that are.” Richard Bach (1)
✨”I woke that day feeling unusually terrible, not just plain terrible but fancy terrible, terrible with raisins in it. Oh yes, it was my birthday.” Dorothy Parker (13)
✨”There will come a time, perhaps sooner, perhaps later, when such a celebration will change, will be moulded by the passing of years, and will eventually need to be relinquished to take its place in the many-coloured patchwork of family memories.” (44)
5/5. A Fabulous resource for birthdays. Magical and simple and sweet.
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